
Showing posts from December, 2021

First Post!

Hello, fellow Lego people! This is it, my first post on Not Enough Bricks! I've been a Lego builder for a while now, but this is my first endeavor with my own brick blog/website--and don't think I don't appreciate you stopping by a look. As long as you're here, you might be interested in some of the things I have to offer (so far): - A little about myself . - A builder's prayer (if you're interested in that kind of thing). - My Lego Carbon Racers models . These are original models based on the long-gone (but not forgotten) Lego Racers Tiny Turbos line. Those were some of my favorite models back in the day, and this is my effort to resurrect them. Tune in for more models each week (hopefully); I have plenty of designs and blueprints ready to go, and they're not just cars either . . . - Lego Universe Unlimited . Well . . . this one technically isn't ready. See, I'm working on a Lego-based game which is something like a cross between Lego Universe and