
Showing posts from March, 2022

Another off week

Sorry, but I'm taking this weekend off as well; it's just too busy to post, and there isn't great wi-fi where I'm staying. Maybe I should just be releasing models every other week in the first place...

Behold, the first Tiny Turbos-style jet!

Here's the latest model to join the Lego Carbon Racers pantheon, and this week, it's a jet with retractable landing gear! See more images and the blueprints here .

No post this weekend

Like the title says, no post this weekend. I'm not just trying to take it easy; there are a couple of other projects demanding my attention, including refining the rules for Lego Universe Unlimited . (When I first made its placeholder page, I had a slew of rules solidified, but my brain has recently been like, "You know what you should do? Simplify! Start over from scratch!") Another thing that's been occupying me is getting settled in with Fox Pointe Publishing --because they're going to be publishing a manuscript of mine! They've already given me an author page and everything, but that's only one of a bazillion preparatory steps before a book's in my hands (and, hopefully, in all of your hands), so I've got to attend to some of that. Wish me luck!

Have a helicopter!

I'm back! And, as a reward for your patience, here's the blueprint for the helicopter in the Lego Carbon Racers series, the Azure Aviator! Click here to give it a look...