Builder's Prayer

Unless the LORD build the house, / they labor in vain who build.
    - Psalm 127:1

Call me crazy (many have, so I don't mind), but I believe the things we do in life should enrich us instead of having a neutral--or even negative--effect. When it comes to Legos, I'm sure there are plenty of sites and/or blogs which encourage the bricks' potential social benefits (building with family and friends, et cetera) or even their physical payoffs (dexterity, lifting heavy boxes of bricks, jogging to the store instead of driving, et cetera), but as far as I know, not many sites deal with the spiritual.

Now, I myself profess to Christianity, but I know you're here because you want to build with bricks and not because you're the local agnostic searching for a convincing theological discourse--although, if you are, boy howdy are you scraping some serious barrel bottoms if you've come to this site. So, while I strongly recommend Christianity, rest assured I didn't make this site to secure conversions. I will, however, recommend the practice of saying a brief prayer before Lego time or even before any creative endeavor in general.

If you don't believe in the spiritual benefits of prayer, then at least consider the mental health benefits. A moment of quiet and recollection will leave you refreshed and ready for creativity to flow, won't it? It'll help make this time of literally constructive recreation a period of renewal instead of an extension of your daily stresses.

Still, though, don't so easily brush off the spiritual side of prayer. I mean, we all know it takes divine intervention to find some of those parts in your collection.

A Builder's Prayer


Maker of heaven and earth and all there is,

The One who set it all in motion,

We thank You for your works and for how You allow us to participate in them.

Now, we especially thank You for this time of recreation;

May it open our minds, benefit our bodies, and ease our souls,

Keep us mindful of Your own perfect designs,

As well as the perfection that is to come, the perfection for which human hearts long.



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