About the Builder

(The above image is what happens when I just give up on adjusting the lighting in Studio's rendering program. ALL HAIL THE RADIANT FACE, WOOHOO!)

Name: Ben Sonnek

Age: Old enough to know better

Height: Death to Smart Cars.

Weight: I prefer to think of it as density.

Race: Slow. It's a good day for me if I can do a 5K in under half an hour.

Country of residence: USA

State of residence: The "Oh Yah You Betcha" State

Astrological sign: Probably the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.

Relationship status at this point: Married, 2 sons

Real-life job: Small-town newspaper editor

Non-Lego hobbies: Reading, writing, jogging, martial arts (really), hat collecting, snacking, lying around.

Favorite food: I'm gonna stop you right there. Ask me what's my favorite of nearly anything, and I'll lock up like a 1995 Windows laptop trying to run Subnautica on high definition. It depends on the day, my mood, the direction of the wind, and whatever other factors are affecting my life at a given moment, OK? Of course, my favorite toy is Legos. At least we know that.

Programs used for Lego content creation: Gimpshop, BrickLink's Studio, Lego Digital Designer . . . you know, free stuff. Did I mention I'm a small-town newspaper editor?

My Lego story: I like to think I was always a practical child. I remember being around 5 years old, looking at the small plastic bricks I held in my tiny hands, and thinking, "You know, I could chase around millions of random toys I can't personalize, OR I could use these bricks to just make whatever toys I want!" It was all downhill from there; my young mind did not yet realize how many kinds of Lego bricks there were or that Lego would keep adding new ones every 5 minutes to eternally raise the bar. Oh well. I'm fortunate to have grown up around what I consider to be Lego's golden age, reveling in lines like the original Bionicle, Racers, Exo-Force, Mars Mission, Agents, Atlantis, early Ninjago, Lego Universe and so much more--before Disney closed its iron grip tighter around entertainment in all forms and the original stuff petered out. Still, even as I collect the newest pieces and sigh over the layers of corporate branding, I look back to the good ol' days.


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