
Showing posts from June, 2022

Upcoming off week

Yeah, looking at the lineup of stuff I'm doing this week. I'm afraid a new post isn't going to be wedging its way into the lineup. Sorry, and hopefully I'll be back at it next week.

The magnificent Moss Monarch!

It's a rat rod and a classic coupe at the same time; it's the Moss Monarch, the second model I built in the Lego Carbon Racers series! Check out the blueprints, images, and more here .

Finally, my favorite Carbon Racer!

It took about half a year, but at last, we've arrived at the Navy Nemesis, my favorite, oldest, and most-reworked Lego Carbon Racer so far! It my pleasure to direct you toward the images and blueprints here .

Maroon Mammoth is up!

I'm back, and I've posted one of my most unique--and yet simultaneously familiar--Lego Carbon Racers models, the Maroon Mammoth! See the blueprints, images, and more here , and come back next time (hopefully next week) for my first, and one of my favorite, Carbon Racers!

Another off week

Hello again! Yes, it was another busy weekend, so I won't be posting a new Lego Carbon Racers model. However, here's a little update: You know how most of my Carbon Racers don't have wheel arches like the one in the picture above (except black, not blue)? I've probably mentioned it in the blueprint notes, but I don't have a lot of them--that is, until now. Part of this weekend's business involved a trip into a Lego store, and guess what they had in their pick-a-brick shelves? That's right, now I've got a bunch of those arches, in black no less. Maybe I'll rebuild some upcoming models or make new ones . . . we'll see. Have a great weekend!