Lego Carbon Racers: Lime Rally Runner

Presenting one of my favorite models, the Lego Carbon Racers Lime Rally Runner! This short-bed, long-engine racing truck started out with a standard Lego Racers Tiny Turbos-style base--and then took more than a few deviations from there.

I didn't realize until now that it's the second model in a row (after last week's Grey Navigator) to have those offroad-style extra headlights.

Also, please don't judge me for the name that's not alliterative with the color: "Lime Rally Runner." I was blanking on alternatives, and all I could think of was stuff like "Lime Lane Leaper" or "Lime Long-hood Lemur." If you have a better name that's all Ls, feel free to let me know. Who knows, maybe I'll repost this whole thing if one of you inspires me.

You know, you usually don't want to see a rally car spinning out of control like this . . .

If I had to compare the Lime Rally Runner to a preexisting Tiny Turbos set, I guess it would be . . . I don't know, this one? Model 8124, Ice Rally? It kind of has those extra rally headlights and similar wheels on both models. I never had this set, but I miss the boxes that unfold into racetracks. I got 8126, Desert Challenge back in the day, and I still have the racetrack. Good times. Maybe I'll make a Carbon Racers special edition model with it.

Like I said, this model starts from a pretty standard Tiny Turbos-style base.

For that 2x1 flat lime panel in Step 4, I used the one from the Lego Power Miners set 8957, Mine Mech. I know it came from that model because it still has the sticker with the number 2 on it; you can see it on the front of the mech. That detail will become important later.

In Step 6, things start departing a little from the regular Tiny Turbos build.

I think the Tiny Turbos line folded before that bracket piece in Step 7 was available. Shame, that; it works pretty well to make the back of this truck.

OK, here's why I brought up the Power Miners plate earlier: See that 1x4 lime plate in Step 9? For my model, I used the one from the Tiny Turbos model 8133, Rally Runner. That piece also has, you guessed, it, a sticker with the number 2! (Also, I literally didn't realize until now that I gave this model the same name as a Tiny Turbos original. Heck, they're both lime. Seriously, people, send me your alternate name ideas; I'm drowning in embarrassment here.)

I'm pretty sure I used two 1x4 black plates in Step 12 instead of one 2x4 black plate. Whatever. As is always the case on Not Enough Bricks, substitutions are welcome (and often expected).

What do you think of what I did to build the cab? I've never seen this configuration used before with Tiny Turbos, and I think it looks nice.

Add some wheels and the hood plate, and we're good to go!

Well, in spite of the embarrassing revelation of how uncreative I am when it comes to naming things, I think the resulting model is pretty darn good. See you next time for a, shall we say, lengthier blueprint. It hopefully won't take too long before it comes out, but I'd say it's not a stretch that it's a Carbon Racers type we haven't covered before . . .

It's a limo. That's why I'm making all the length puns. I'm just going to stop now before I collapse into some sort of embarrassment singularity, so, well, bye.


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